3 Skeptics Paranormal Investigators should follow

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Skeptics – just the word can strike fear into the heart of any Paranormal Investigator. If you’ve read previous blog posts from myself (Access Paranormal) you would see some of the “joyous” interactions I’ve had with a few in the past.

But alas, don’t let a few angry cynics make you feel you need to shy away from approaching the paranormal from a sceptical viewpoint. In fact, skeptical information is needed when dealing with possible paranormal phenomena. It’s a good “yard stick” to keep us as balanced as we can when dealing with such spontaneous phenomena.

So here are 3 skeptics I’ve found over the years to be not just knowledgeable but also open to listening to “the dark side” = us.


Kenny Biddle - USA

Kenny is a straight shooter. In fact, most skeptics are. They’ve probably (and I’m only assuming) got this way because of years of sharing the same information about paranormal topics to people who won’t at least try and meet them in the middle.

One of the good things about Kenny is his passion for answering questions from all sides of the argument. Often a speaker at skeptical events he’s also an avid attender and speaker of paranormal ones too – which is a big indicator of the type of skeptic you should be following. Without networking and learning from “believers”, any skeptic can claim they have a vast knowledge of what the paranormal community does when they don’t even go out and involve themselves in it.

Kenny is also passionate and big on education. Being so open to questions means he’s always learning too. A lot of cynical skeptics will argue a point but rarely produce educational content that is relevant to paranormal investigating often trolling twitter accounts with the odd negative comment thinking that is sufficient.

What also makes for a great skeptic? One that is actually genuinely interested in the topic. Kenny is one of those people. If you’ve ever seen one of his video’s you can see behind him all sorts of different paranormal books and paraphernalia (not to mention he’s also a big sci fi geek).

Being genuinely interested makes all the difference. It (too me) is what the common ground is for skeptics and believers to work together with – A common ground of loving the subject.

Interested in finding out more? Check out the links below and get following!

Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/IAmKennyBiddle/

Bio - https://skepticalinquirer.org/authors/kenny-biddle/?fbclid=IwAR0_-sXJMk92exzitV7rIV4x4Oysu-Lq1P25mtNTNySuYaqQU7HqOG5wN6c

Richard Saunders – Australia

Richard is one of the more well known skeptics in Australia having appeared on many TV programs over the years. He like many skeptics isn’t afraid to state his information and can be very direct in his responses. So why would I suggest such an individual?

Richard (just like Kenny) is actually interested in paranormal topics – believe it or not it was more UFO’s in the early days (and you HAVE to check out his origami skills – insane!)

Richard is also one of the very few skeptics that gets out amongst the paranormal community by attending events and investigations - again, the best kind of skeptic to learn from.

Creator or the ever successful “The Skeptic Zone” Podcast and often the host of the annual Skepticon in Australia, he’s a huge fan of scientific evidence-based information. So instead of just talking the talk, he walks it too.

To keep up to date with what Richard, links are below

Skeptic Zone Podcast - https://skepticzone.libsyn.com/

Richard Interview - https://skepticalinquirer.org/exclusive/enter-the-skeptic-zone-an-interview-with-csicon-speaker-richard-saunders/


Hayley Stevens - UK

Hayley’s interested in the paranormal started when she was 18 and is one of the few skeptics that has actually had experience running ghost tours and paranormal investigation events. That’s what spurred her interests into learning more about possible paranormal phenomena and started her sceptical path of knowledge.

Since then she has created her website titled “Hayley is a Ghost” which is an award winning science blog and she is often requested to speak at paranormal events around the world.

She’s also what I would consider more of a “rogue” skeptic too. Having decided to step away from the Skeptical Movement (more info can be found here https://hayleyisaghost.co.uk/parting-ways-skeptic-movement/) she has a unique combination of fact finding with a very sound moral background.

Not only does she spend her time as a host of the popular “Spooktator” podcast (https://spooktator.co.uk/index.php/about-the-show/), she defines herself and her direction when it comes to the paranormal in the following way:

“I'm a ghost researcher who isn't interested in proving or disproving that ghosts exist. Instead, I want to understand what causes people to have strange experiences.”

Find out more by heading to https://hayleyisaghost.co.uk/